HI3/HA3JB - HA3JB Radio Amateur Station

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  HI3/HA3JB - Dominica  Sept. 2016.

                                                                                                          IOTA NA-096                                                                                                     

International Police Association and IOTA expedition to Dominica Island between nd September and nd October2016. Using the callsign HI3/HA3JB. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, RTTY and SSB, including an entry in the CQWW RTTY Contest. QSL valid for DXCC and HA-IPARC Award.

**** I will take up info and pictures here. ****


        DL9GFB       I2NOI


Please make donation:
Thank you for honoring your support. Of course, if one of the stations that I managed to write and worked on the QSL card will be sent to you, this is free. And in addition to the part completed your QSL cards will be stamped (IPA - International Police Associate for assistance).
Thank you for your help!


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